bastard operator from hell excuse generator

Bastard Operator from Hell, 1996 Vintage, Part One -
The The Computer Is A Cheating Bastard trope as used in popular culture, with a list. string in advance, but that excuse goes right out the window if it executes the move. can revive itself after you went through hell to beat it.. beats you with ONE .. In the first through fifth games, the Random Number Generator caused. - Google+.
Eclipse Community Forums: Eclipse Platform » Use differences view.
Bloody hell - that's talcum powder and cayenne pepper. .. I think she'd probably come up with a reasonable excuse for ten grand. .. A hundred-plus pints is a good shout for the Bastard Operator Club at the best of times, but to allay suspicion, I feel it necessary .. "It's dangerous - remember the negative ion generators.
BOFH: 1 - Bastard Operator from Hell. (The early years); BOFH: 2 - Bastard Operator from Hell. (not for the faint of heart); Excuses - BOFH Excuse Server.
puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :.bofh : Bastard Operator From Hell Excuse Generator!" puthelp "PRIVMSG $nick :.deliver : Send a friend some ascii.
The BOFH 1998 -
May 20, 2004. I once used an excuse straight out out the bastard operator from hell's excuse generator.. "Electromagnetic interference from solar flares, sir.".
bastard operator from hell excuse generator
bastard operator from hell excuse generator
BOFH IT Excuses | AppBrain Android Market.Best excuses you've given end users for outages. - Reddit.
ShepWeb: Fun (old).
Description. [ crawled data ]: Ruby port of the Bastard Operator From Hell-style excuse server/generator. We don't have any information about the release date.
Computers: An Industry of excuses. - Ars Technica OpenForum.